The overall objective of our legal compliance service offerings are to ensure that relevant laws, regulations and standards are accessible, understood, institutionalized (part of the organizational processes) and internalized (part of the organizational culture) at every level and function of the organization. Our service offerings include:

Legal AI

AI (Artificial Intelligence) has been incorporated into the system and will be trained with relevant legal and company specific information. This will enable you to ask the system day to day legal questions relating to any function, occurrence or activity relating to the organization and the industry. AI draws on cognitive technologies ensuring that the compliance function becomes a valued partner to the business.

Legal NCR Management

Legal non-conformities are recorded on any smart device and communicated to parties responsible for resolving them and collaborators to the non-conformities. The system includes a dashboard whereby trends and cost of the nonconformities can be viewed. In addition flash and full reports as well as root cause investigations can be generated and communicated from the system.

Task Management

ILegal liability inevitably impose duties and obligations on the company and employees. The Task Manager enables you to register each and every task in terms of law, regulation, contract, company policy, company procedure etc. and communicate these tasks to the responsible people. The Task Manager further provides you with an Overall, Departmental and Individual view of tasks conducted, in progress and completed.

Contract management

Contracts impose duties and obligations on the company that needs to be satisfies as part of recognized common law. These duties and obligations are included into the system and the responsible persons are reminded of their tasks and responsibilities in terms of the contract. The system also enables you to load the contracts onto a central platform where reminders are set for contract expiration, renewal, penalties and changes.

System Dashboards

Data accumulated through the above modules will be available on three on three dashboards. A General dashboard will include all the data for the entire company. This dashboard is customizable and typically a requirements for top management. A Departmental dashboard will provide an overview of tasks, responsibilities, legal concerns, contract expirations, training and asset management requirements for a specific department. A department head will typically only be able to view their department data. An Individual dashboard will provide the user of the system with their specific tasks and responsibilities for the week. This information is viewed based on the login credentials used by the individual.


RMi Legal Services in collaboration with Alva Group provides comprehensive and fully accredited (FP&M-SETA) training. The training programs are industry and country specific and can be done at your premises or online. A list of training options including pricing can be viewed below.